- Welcome - Retreat to Tuscany

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“So much space, such silence, so much time. To drift. To think. To let your mind roam anywhere it pleases. To  dream. Perhaps the true luxury of our age is not the piles of goods we endlessly accumulate, but time. And  perhaps the truest freedom is to be left alone.” -The Hills of Tuscany, by Ferenc Mate’

Tuscany   is generously endowed with earthly wonders. Natural beauty, history, art, and cuisine: these things are not unique to other places, but  everything  comes together here in a special way that feeds your soul and connects with your heart. Tuscany provides us a slower pace of life, an opportunity to “be in the moment”, and when your physical self and your mind slow down… you can access so much from  within. Breakthroughs happen, the mind actually feels sharper.

Retreat to Tuscany is an opportunity for YOU to take time to pause, to listen to what is all around and what is inside of you. It’s a precious time away from the frantic rush, time given to explore your creative self, and to rejuvenate your mind, body and soul.

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