- Unlock the Power of Care for Aging & Well-Being – Credit For Caring

Description: Welcome to Credit for Caring Welcome to Credit for Caring Harness the power to connect with the vital resources for what lies ahead. Let us guide you through your journey, ensuring dignity, safety, and well-being with our suite of fun tools and decades of professional knowledge. Log In FAQs National Family Caregivers Month Social

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Grounded in a Strengths Perspective, Driven by Identified Needs, Longitudinal Care, Supported Provider Portal Unified Care Plan, and Person-Centered Care

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REUNIONCare Product Market Fit Necessity is the Mother of Invention 99% of innovation comes from solving a problem. REUNIONCare is the direct result of my father’s medical journey more than a decade ago. After retirement as he and my mother settled into what was supposed to be the golden years. He began suffering what appeared to be unrelated aches and pains. They changed their diet. He would visit his local doctor who would treat him one symptom at a time. You know his story; it happens every day to millio