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writing (6299) mental health (4793) editing (3442) public speaking (990) proofreading (948) veteran (808) military spouse (24)

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There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you...

Ghostwriting. Sounds mysterious doesn't it? There is always a certain level of intrigue when I tell someone I am a ghostwriter. And while I do enjoy the shroud of secrecy that the title provides, I will tell you simply that ghostwriting is the act of a professional writer, writing on behalf of another person. A person may hire a professional writer to pen various literary genres, speeches, or other types of content. Much like a ghost, the professional writer is invisible and doesn't receive credit for the w

It is my belief that we all have at least one good story in us. You may find you lack the skills or time to write it down. These issues are pretty common. Anyone who has a need to write or a story to tell can hire a ghostwriter.  But, of course, the devil is in the details. Below are the services I provide in addition to ghostwriting. If you've ever thought, "I've always wanted to write a book" (or anything else for that matter),   you're in the right place. Send me a message and we can discuss the details.