Ramya Hebbalaguppe
I'm a researcher in visual computing. My work spans: computer vision, reliable and robust machine learning, and computer graphics. I'm a Principal Scientist in Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Group (DLAI), TCS Research, IIT Delhi, India. My doctoral research advised by Prof. Chetan Arora at IIT Delhi is centered on proposing novel methods to enhance reliability in deep neural networks (DNNs)
Prior to this, I was fortunate to be working with Prof. Ramakrishna Kakarala at Nanyang Technological University on High Dynamic Range Imaging algorithms which formed a part of the image processing pipeline aimed at smartphone cameras. Our research was recognized with the Best Student Paper award at the 2012 SPIE conference in Burlingame, California. I completed my master's degree at DCUs School of Electronic Engineering and Computing in 2014, advised by Prof. Noel O'Connor and Prof. Alan Smeaton . I focuse