rheegold.com - Rhee Gold's DanceLife

Description: If your passion is the art of dance, Rhee Gold's DanceLife is your partner in quality dance education. Join like-minded dance educators, studio owners, dancers and parents for cutting-edge dance seminars, conferences, dance teacher & business training, and more.

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With twenty teachers in attendance, Rhee Gold launched his first dance teacher event, Project Motivate, in 1996. Through persistence and a desire to serve the dance community he has pioneered the concept of business seminars and conferences for dance studio owners and teachers.

Today, thousands of dance educators worldwide have attended the  DanceLife conferences, retreats, seminars, keynote presentations, virtual courses and more.

If you're looking for solutions, like-minded educators, support, inspiration and cutting-edge education, you have come to the right place! Feel free to browse our pages and please let us know if you have any questions; [email protected]

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