rhinecycleroute.eu - EuroVelo 15 | Rhine Cycle Route - EuroVelo

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While ECF and National EuroVelo Coordination Centers and Coordinators (NECC/Cs) make every effort to ensure the tracks and their levels of development are both current and accurate, errors or outdated information can occur. The user is fully responsible for his or her own safety when making use of the tracks and for following national traffic rules and signing. Please download and read the complete disclaimer before using the tracks.

Suitable for cyclists of all fitness levels and abilities, the Rhine Cycle Route runs along one of the longest rivers in Europe from the Swiss Alps to the North Sea. The Rhine has fostered a cultural and economic dialogue between the Alpine regions and Northern Europe for over 2,000 years. Explore the beauty of this river landscape and the picturesque towns and villages lining its banks.

"The Rhine combines every quality a river can exhibit. The rapidity of the Rhone, the breadth of the Loire, the rocks of the Meuse, the sinuosity of the Seine, the translucency of the Somme, the historical reminiscences of the Tiber, the regal dignity of the Danube, the mysterious influence of the Nile, the golden sands of the glittering streams of the New World, the phantoms of some Asiatic stream" - Victor Hugo.