rhiza.health - Rhiza Health

Description: Create decentralized (web3) protocol(s) that bring efficiency, transparency and community empowerment to Healthcare.

provider (164548) insurance (10083) blockchain (6141) healthcare (6040) web3 (1401) registry (536) hl7 (124) fhir (40) rhiza (1)

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Rhiza Health empowers a community to collaborate using decentralized (web3) technologies to improve the systemic issues that contribute to the $1T wasted in the U.S. healthcare system each year. Community members utilize web3 technologies and processes to ensure solutions are open, community governed, equitable and sustainable utility for the industry.

Create decentralized (web3) protocol(s) that bring efficiency, transparency  and community empowerment to Healthcare. Data exchange and the medical claims process need web3. This was true for claims in 2016 when this   whitepaper was selected as one of the winners of  the ONC/HHS whitepaper challenge , but the technology was not ready. The technology is ready now.

Healthcare needs to lay down some new technical “roots”. Rhiza – comes from the Greek word for root. It is pronounced “rye-za”. Some scientist believe  trees communicate via roots “mycor rhizal networks” - source

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