- Rich Life by Design | Write and self-publish your book... in style!

Description: I help female entrepreneurs to self-publish high-quality books for their businesses

self publishing (581) book publishing (369) female authors (9) high quality books publishing (2) diy book publishing (2)

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Is it time to write that book? If you’ve made your way here, you’ve probably had a book idea tugging at you for quite a while.

However, while you may you feel *fairly* confident about your writing abilities, you haven’t written or self-published a BOOK before. There’s so much to know about the process, and you would love professional guidance and support. 

You know that you’re an expert in your field (please own that – we need more female leaders to stand in their power), but you feel completely overwhelmed (indeed, almost paralysed) by the prospect of creating your non-fiction book.