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News, Nonsense, Politics, & Pop-Culture Watchdog

“Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling refused to stop being a feminist in favor of woke demands in places where being a trans-advocate conflicts with feminism and many have pointed out that she damaged her legacy by it. Most pointing this out, however, don’t do so in order to note her courage as a strong independent woman, but to criticize and mock her for not bending the knee to the latest terms that increasingly powerful elements of Cultural Marxism demands. Rowling remains politically Leftist/Progressive, p

Other feminist icons such as “Handmaid’s Tale” author Margaret Atwood have p ointed out the same things as Rowling , such as the insanity of making the use of the word “woman” a controversial taboo that is somehow insensitive to the gender dysphoric, but the woke condemnation of these female-identifying-persons doesn’t meet that of Rowlings because Rowlings work was so much more influential and celebrated among the generation that has also been indoctrinated into believing things like “the use of the word ‘