rinaldilaw.net - Loan Modification in Rhode Island | Foreclosure Assistance | Rinaldi Law Office

Description: Rinaldi Law Offices for Loan Modification in Rhode Island, Short Sales in Rhode Island, Foreclosures in Rhode Island.

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HOMEOWNER ASSISTANCE  If you are reading this it is likely that you or someone you know is having financial difficulty with their housing situation. Most homeowners do not know their options or where to get help. The worst decision that can be made is to do nothing. We provide loan workout assistance for homeowners including full discussion on their choices between a loan modification, a short sale, or a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure.

FREE 20 Minute Consultation  Call to schedule an appointment.

The Rhode Island Supreme Court licenses all lawyers in the general practice of law. The court does not license or certify any lawyer as an expert or specialist in any field of practice.

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