- Matteo Riondato

Description: Matteo Riondato, Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Amherst College. Research on Algorithms for Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, and Machine Learning

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I am an assistant professor of computer science at Amherst College , where I lead the Data* Mammoths , a research&learning group of brilliant undergraduate students. I also have an appointment as visiting faculty in Computer Science at Brown University . Previously, I spent some fantastic years as a research scientist in the Labs group at Two Sigma .

My research focuses on algorithms for knowledge discovery , data mining , and machine learning . I develop theory and methods to extract the most information from large datasets, as fast as possible and in a statistically sound way. The problems I study include pattern extraction, graph mining, and time series analysis. My algorithms often use concepts from statistical learning theory and sampling. My research is supported, in part, by NSF Award #2006765 .

My Erdős number is 3 ( Erdős → Suen → Upfal → Matteo), and I am a mathematical descendant of Eli Upfal , Eli Shamir (2 nd generation), Jacques Hadamard (5 th ), Siméon Denis Poisson (9 th ), and Pierre-Simon Laplace (10 th ).

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