rishikulcollege.com - Rishikul Sanatan College

Description: Rishikul Sanatan College

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The Managing Authority of Rishikul Sanatan College is the Shree Sanatan Dharm Rishikul Maha Sabha, Fiji. The Sabha was founded in 1932. In the past decades, the Sabha has grown enormously and now has two Kindergartens, two Primary schools and one Secondary school namely Rishikul Sanatan College, in Nasinu, a newly  declared township adjoining the capital city, Suva.

 The College, which has modern, well laid out and impressive buildings, was established in 1964, the first ever non-government secondary school in Nasinu.  Rishikul today has the necessary amenities required for the provision of an excellent teaching learning environment. It has two well-equipped Science Laboratories, Computer lab, Industrial Arts rooms, Home Economics Centre, a Library, and Departmental staff-rooms, a Pavilion, spacious Hall and a Multi-purpose Court as some of the facilities which contrib

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