riskservices.com - Philosophy and Science for the Third Millennium since 1.1.2001

Description: Philosophy and Science for the Third Millennium since 1.1.2001

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contrasts Einstein with Heisenberg, relativity with quantum theory, behavioralism with existentialism, certainty with uncertainty and philosophy with science—finally arriving at the inescapable Platonic conclusion that the true philosopher is always striving after Being and will not rest with those multitudinous phenomena whose existence are appearance only.

Charges all honourables, psychiatrists, police and bank managers in Canada with heresy, child abuse, treason against Christ 2.0 the Sovereign, and the unpardonable sin that Jesus Christ spoke of—the deliberate refusal to follow the light when seen.

identifies the malignant cancer within the healthcare system and society as the outwardly focusing behavioral psychological model, which denies the existence of consciousness—while the inwardly focusing existential model makes consciousness and the soul primordially important.

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