rivahealth.co.uk - Erreka - Residencia hotel canino y felino

Description: Erreka hotel canino y felino. Barrio Amasa Villabona - Gipuzkoa. T +34 660 05 61 68

hotel (33528) perro (283) gato (277) residencia (275) donostia (273) san sebastián (127) adiestramiento (90) canino (55) felino (23) erreka (7)

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The way we deliver healthcare is changing, at Riva Health we believe you should be able to access affordable and professional healthcare wherever you are.

You can now book a one off, urgent or same day appointment. Riva health delivers direct access to primary care at your convenience, 7 days a week. Appointments can be completed as video or phone call consultations or face to face at a location that suits you. Services include; diagnosis and management advise, covid 19 testing and support, prescriptions, sick notes, referral letters, mental health support, psychological therapies, referral to hospital specialists, lifestyle advise, physiotherapy referrals, t

Riva health membership does not affect your access to NHS care and all emergency cases are directed to contact NHS 111 services or attend a local emergency department.

Links to rivahealth.co.uk (2)