rizalsyaiful.com - Rizal Syaiful

Description: Rizal Syaiful - CV / Resume / Personal Website

photographer (21073) portfolio (18464) designer (14645) graphic (6177) resume (3450) cv (3286) art director (2130) rizal (13) trusted photographer (4) rizal syaiful (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Award winning interdisciplinary Designer & Photographer. Currently pursuing a perfect blend of style and function for a wide range of interactive graphic design. For the past 6 years I've helped global companies, organizations and start-ups reach business goals with user focused, interactive design. I enjoy bringing clarity to complex problems with a people first approach.

I am a complete social animal. Find my work on Behance & my profile on Linkedin .

As a reluctant graphic designer, I fled from a traditional path and explored my creativity, trough trying my hands on various techniques and software. Software is more than just a tool, and I try to dig deep into it. Today, I knack for critical thinking, empathy and creativity to create viable and impactful solutions using these technologies.