rksdesign.com - RKS | Product Design & Development Firm - Human-Centered

Description: RKS is a top product design firm and product development company focused on industrial design and engineering with HQ in Los Angeles, California

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We utilize a human-centered, collaborative, and cross-functional process to create industrial designs that increase quality of life and drive user adoption. We begin every project understanding the strategic goals of our client, and developing deep empathy with our target customers. We leverage our advanced human-centered framework Psycho-Aesthetics™ to develop strong alignment and consistent delivery throughout the process.

We utilize a human-centered, collaborative and cross-functional process to create industrial designs for our clients. Because we usually aren’t designing for our own needs, we begin every project understanding the strategic goals of our client, and developing deep empathy with our target customers. We leverage our advanced design-thinking framework Psycho-Aesthetics™ to develop strong alignment and consistent delivery throughout the process.

We use decades of experience to carefully plan efficient research, which is essential to creating an emotional connection with consumers to products and services. At the same time, well-designed ethnography can reduce the cost of product development by targeting the important and necessary data required without wasting valuable time and resources. Our market research and ethnographic research processes have multiple phases that move from planning, to execution, to synthesis.

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