- - online portfolio of Bartek Rutkowski - web design - print design - logotypes - xhtml & css

Description: This in online portfolio of Bartek Rutkowski, graphic designer, web XHTML and CSS developer. Contain finest samples of web design, printouts and logotypes.

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My name is Bartlomiej Rutkowski, I come from Poland (currently living in Kraków, Poland) and I am 24 years old graphic designer. I had finished studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland and gained master degree in June 2005.

You have reached my personal web page which is also (and foremost) my online showcase. RobakDesign is my own brand founded somtime about year 2002 under which I publish my works, but its first part "robak" is my artistic nickname derivied from old times of Commodore 64 demo scene (I was cover and graphic artist, swapper from time to time, member of Alliance, Ufoki Dezajn and today also Samar groups) in years of 1995-1996. In these days I used to sign my works either as Robak or RobakDesign.

Wide variety of things actually. Mainly I design graphics, create identities (logos, leaflets, brochures, business cards, letter paper etc.), create and code web pages in the spirit of highest Internet trends and standards, that are both attractive and accessible - some of them have been even awarded and noticed by , Design Melt Down , Light on Dark and CssMania CSS galleries. I also have experience and knowledge in administration of UNIX systems (mainly great *BSD family) in every aspect, i

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