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Michael Roberson walked out on us in 2017. It wasn’t the first time. Now, Roberson wants us to vote for him for Lieutenant Governor. Who is he kidding?

After walking out on our students, educators, seniors, veterans, and his own constituents, Michael Roberson simply can’t be trusted to stand up for everyday Nevadans. When things get tough, Nevada needs a Lt. Governor who will stand up for us, not walk out the door. Given his track record, that’s not Michael Roberson.

From funding our students and education to safe, accessible healthcare for Veterans, Michael Roberson walked out on Nevadans’ most basic needs. During the 2017 Nevada Legislature, Michael Roberson walked out during crucial budget votes , throwing a temper tantrum when he didn’t get what he wanted. What set Michael Roberson off? A majority of his colleagues in the Senate voted to protect public tax dollars in our public schools instead of funding a risky voucher scheme that could have shifted millions to wea

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