Description: Watercolor Aquarellen artist Robert Parkison has been painting for three decades. An international artist with painting from many countries, he continues to show the brightness of light and the darkness of shadows melding into a moment captured in time.
art (56876) artist (37428) painting (14199) painter (4981) watercolor (1973) watercolour (793) aquarelle (753) aquarellen (32) paintor (6) aquarelleren (5)
My work. My life. A moment of time. My paintings are the footsteps I leave behind from my California roots to my 21st century European life, ever seeking the often overlooked reminders of the day. A brightness of light, the darkness of shadows, melding, ever blending in one moment of time. I invite you to view four decades of my life and work, a moment of time. -- Robert Parkison