- RobotPerf | Reference benchmarking suite used to evaluate robotics computing performance

Description: RobotPerf™ is a reference benchmarking suite used to evaluate robotics computing performance

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Example domain paragraphs

RobotPerf provides an open reference benchmarking suite that is used to evaluate robotics computing performance fairly with ROS 2 as its common baseline , so that robotic architects can make informed decisions about the hardware and software components of their robotic systems.

The myriad combinations of robot hardware and robotics software make assessing robotic-system performance challenging, specially in an architecture-neutral, representative, and reproducible manner. RobotPerf addresses this issue delivering a reference performance benchmarking suite that is used to evaluate robotics computing performance across CPU, GPU, FPGA and other compute accelerators. The benchmarks are designed to be representative of the performance of a robotic system and to be reproducible across d

Represented by consortium of robotics leaders from industry, academia and research labs, RobotPerf is formated as an open project whose mission is to build open, fair and useful robotics benchmarks that are technology agnostic, vendor-neutral and provide unbiased evaluations of robotics computing performance for hardware, software, and services.

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