- Roca Blanca Mission Base - Roca Blanca Mission Base

Description: Through Bible and Music ministry training, as well as extending compassion and humanitarian aid through medical outreaches, food and clothing distribution, and community development projects, the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is demonstrated and shared with Oaxaca's indigenous peoples.

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The mission of Roca Blanca Mission Base (RBMB) is to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19) – first in Oaxaca, Mexico and then beyond.

RBMB is located in Oaxaca, Mexico, which has the greatest concentration of unreached people groups in all of the Americans. RBMB is reaching into these unreached areas with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through medical outreaches, food and clothing distribution, community development projects, and church planting.

At the heart of the mission of the RBMB is the discipleship and training of students. At this time we have 60+ churches in various regions of Oaxaca led by graduates from our Bible Schools. New disciples are being made and new churches planted every year by our graduates.  We have over 200 students every year kindergarten through the third year of our Bible School being discipled and trained to be effective witnesses for Christ.

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