- Rockstar Solos Stevie Salas iPhone iPad applications guitar games |

Description: Rockstar Solos creates innovative iTunes iPhone applications for entertainment, such as music games and interaction with popular rock personalities who are directly involved in creating the content.

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Stevie Salas presents Rockstar Solos, a new and authentic rock guitar game and company bringing ACTUAL rockstar riffs to your fingertips! Rockstar Solos is a guitar game that mixes fun riffs with stadium tone!! Stevie plays a riff with his actual guitar and amp sound, and the tone is so fat that your friends will freak out!!! You will then be walked through it note by note, kind of like a rocking version of Simon Says.

When you're not playing the game, you can also play in Jam Mode working on your own riffs (which you can then play on your real guitar if you like), work on some tab while you're away from your guitar, or use the open notes as a reference for tuning any guitar.

You can click on our HOW TO before you buy and see EVERY piece of the app, or for less than the price of a coffee, you can download now and start rocking!!