- Roe Drylining specialising in Drylining, Metal Partitions, Suspended Ceilings, Insulation, Fire Protection, North West of Irelan

Description: Roe Drylining was set up by John Mc Gowan and has become one of the largest drylining companies in the North West of Ireland. Providing services such as metal stud partitions, suspended ceilings, drylining, insulation, fire protection to some of Irelands top construction companies.

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The Company has an extensive knowledge of the Drylining business with over thirty years of experience of drylining wall and ceiling systems.  We offer customers advise on both time and cost savings, whilst maintaining the highest quality standards.  The Company’s Senior Management Partners, John, James and Stephen McGowan constantly monitor high workmanship standards, ensuring customers have an efficient and personal service from conception to completion.

Our personnel are extensively trained in Drylining techniques.  This assures our clientele of an efficient and reliable workforce, capable of undertaking their specific tasks and the advantage of solving practical and everyday on-site needs. The company actively encourages client partnership, and we have found this has assisted in maintaining our high standards and subsequently successful contract completions.  This has also resulted in high customer satisfaction with numerous repeat contracts.