- Roel Willems —

Description: This is my own space on the internet and used as a poster wall of all things I find interesting. Most likely you will find random posts, short form writing and some articles.

Example domain paragraphs

Took a few days off writing on my blog. Just to enjoy the holidays. But reading a post from Seth Godin inspired me to pick up writing earlier than planned. Kicking off the next year writing instead of starting writing again in 2021. A minor difference but important to me.

Few days late to the party but moOde audio v7 (v7.0.1 to be exact) is available. Very solid upgrade, looking forward to using the 12-band Parametric EQ.

It’s quite a different Christmas this year, but me and my girlfriend are fortunate to be both in good health and able to just enjoy these days together.

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