Description: Network Security, penetration testing, Ethical hacking, networking, Servers, Linux, Windows, Web Hosting, ECS, AWS Kubernetes, K8s, GCP, DevOps, SRE
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EKS Cluster | CSI Driver | SecretProviderClass | AWS Secrets Manager Setup EKS Cluster and Manage Credentials at runtime using CSI driver using SecretProviderClass and Secrets Manager Assuming you have Configured/Installed AWS CLI, EKSCTL, KUBECTL, HELM. CSI Basic Information: CSI (Container Storage Interface) widely used as a Storage Technology. Created by Google | Mesosphere | Docker. It has two two Plugins one runs on the Master Node (Centralized Controller Plugin) and another one on Worker Nodes (Decen
Important things to note about ECS and Kubernetes Few basic things about ECS and Kubernetes Basic Information about the AWS ECS and Kubernetes and there Components. AWS ECS Basic Information: AWS ECS is the Docker-suitable container orchestration solution from Amazon. It allows us to run containerised applications on EC2 instances and scale both of them. The below architecture shows the high-level information about ECS. As shown above, ECS Clusters consist of Tasks which run in Docker containers, and contai