- RolesTracker: Improve life with balance & satisfaction

Description: Mobile App to improve life by tracking all your roles for satisfaction. Journal your roles every day/weekly/monthly. Available across iOS, Android

life (8287) journal (2197) track (2193) balance (1958) tracker (1228) improve (319) role (190) satisfaction (149) satisfy (9) rolestracker (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Track your satisfaction in each life role. Life is a mix, not just one role!

Helps you understand your life by looking at different parts, checking how good each part is every day, and figuring out if your overall life is healthy and balanced.

Select the roles you currently have or want in life. Record your days for each role as either active and satisfied, active and not satisfied, or inactive. Assess how well you're doing in each role over time and review your status monthly.