Description: Roll Stock Caps for covering the top end of paper products when stored outdoors, an economical way of creating warehouse space outdoors. Pricing and Options
outdoor storage (109) roll stock caps (2)
63" dia.x 20" tall Silver/Black DuraShield 8000 RSC Roll Stock Cap Waterproof Top & Skirt Silver Roll Stock Cap finished with silver side up on top & out on sides to reflect heat and prevent sweating under the cover w/ 1" fin seam; flat web strap & steel ratchet buckle assembly in casing of hem for tightening cap in place around circumference of paper roll (to fit 58" OD roll)
[email protected] � PO Box 35 � Curtis, MI 49820-0035 1-888-ODIN-INC (1-888-634-6462) � 262-569-7171 � 800-835-8467 (Solicitation calls will Not be accepted)