- Rolv Apneseth | Developer Portfolio

Description: Rolv Apneseth Developer Portfolio, displaying work experience and previews of and links to all notable personal projects. Also linked are GitHub, StackOverflow and LinkedIn pages.

html (18597) portfolio (18232) javascript (14760) css (13942) developer (8945) python (4117) react (3927) gatsby (750) rolv (2) apneseth

Example domain paragraphs

A GUI application made using the PyQt5 library for Python. With it, a user can practice getting faster at typing with almost endless sources of text to type out, and even keep track of their progress. User w.p.m. scores are stored using an SQLite database accessed via the sqlite3 Python module.

I use this program daily to improve my typing speed, and it has helped me progress with ease as I can keep typing as long as I want and still not repeat any text, which was the main goal of this application.

A command line tool for displaying and opening links to the current best stories from (Hacker News). It works by scraping the best stories page and displaying it for the user using a curses library UI.