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Despite the decades of internet, people are still skeptical about online friendship. True, the endless “buddy lists” can make us question its quality. Isn’t it superficial when we call someone a friend but don’t meet them in person? Let’s compare the two types, online and offline friends, and see how they stand against each other… 

Online friends.  These are the people you’ve met on social media and networking sites, in chats and interest groups. As many tend to be more open on the web, digital friends are your chance to discuss the issues you won’t be comfortable – or brave enough – sharing offline. The things to do with digital friends include playing video games, watching films or shows, listening to music, and any other suitable online activities. 

Offline friends. Plain and simple; these are your real-life buddies with whom you can hang out, go to movies, take up hobbies, travel and so on. They know you better than online friends and can offer more support in difficult times just by being near you. Besides, you can be sure that an offline friend is a real friend even when you communicate on the web.