- Amy Valentini, Romance Author and Romancing Editorially Editor – THE PLACE FOR ROMANCE IN MY BOOKS and COMPLETE EDITORIAL SERVIC

Description: Welcome to the Elysian Realm (a paranormal romance series) The gods of mythology are real and their descendants live among us. Evolution in any species continues until extinction claims its end. Some will embrace the changes, while others will resist. When those who resist act to prevent the changes, they become dangerous to the entire…

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Welcome to the Elysian Realm

The gods of mythology are real and their descendants live among us.

Evolution in any species continues until extinction claims its end. Some will embrace the changes, while others will resist. When those who resist act to prevent the changes, they become dangerous to the entire species. When those with corrupt and evil intent attempt to change the world for Elysians and humans, will the others who wish to maintain the balance be able to save the world for the sake of all?