- Rosy Mound Elementary - Elementary Schools - Schools - Grand Haven Area Public Schools

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Welcome to Rosy Mound Elementary School.  Nestled along the shore of Lake Michigan and adjacent to The Rosy Mound Nature Trail, our school is in an idyllic location for learning.  We pride ourselves on our passion for learning.  At Rosy Mound, every member of our community is a learner, from student to staff to parent.

While we are a community school, we also welcome many other students from throughout our district and surrounding communities.  We serve approximately 320 students from grades Young 5 through fourth grade.  Academically, our students achieve at high levels on state and local tests.  

Our exceptional staff and teachers constantly learn new methods to engage students in the learning process. With the support of the recently passed bond, they do this in an environment that is rich with technology resources.