- Roulette Game: Variants, Bets, Cheating

Description: Roulette game: rules, history, peculiarities, variations, cheating methods, playing roulette online and best software programs.

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Roulette machines have appeared back in the 17th century and thus this game became extremely popular among all. Some people tend to believe that roulette was created by notorious Blaise Pascal, famous scientist, mathematician and inventor, others are sure, that this game was brought at casinos by Devil. But the reality remains the same – today roulette is one of the most popular casino games and it can even be considered as a symbol of gambling. Probably it is the only game in casino, which requires luck an

Roulette game has rather simple system of rules to play. The main aim of the gambler is to guess the position of the roulette ball after spinning the wheel . The most complicated moment in the whole game is to make bet correctly. A lot of people think, that there are only two types of bets in roulette game – bet on one number and bet on color. Because of this roulette myth, there are so many of those, who think that it is impossible to win playing roulette. Bets in roulette is that thing, which can change t

There is one more thing which you have to know about roulette. This game has several variants, which have some differences in rules. Playing French game variation keep in mind that you may make use of two additional rules which may help you to protect your bet. These rules are also available at European game variation. Want to know them? Get acquainted with roulette variation peculiarities! It should be also noticed that the chances of winning in online roulette and the house edge change in different types