- Rowanleaf | Writing, Singing & Teaching About The World

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I write, photograph, teach and sing about the world, for the world. If you enjoy my work and would like to help support me to keep on doing it, please consider buying me a coffee at KoFi , or making a regular donation via Patreon . The links are here below: much gratitude to all those who have encouraged and supported me thus far. <3 Rowanleaf on KoFi    (one-off donations) Rowanleaf on Patreon   (monthly donations)

(For new readers – if you’re just discovering this blog and you would like to read about my 2015 South Pacific travels from their beginning, you can click on this link to go to the first chapter:  Travels in the Cook Islands .)

My second day on Atiu began with a gargantuan breakfast, fuel for the day’s explorations. Donna, Mark and I then jumped into Marshall’s truck and we picked up the three other tourists currently staying on the island, before heading out on a tour. First stop was the nearby village of Teenui, the closest thing that Atiu has to a busy metropolis.