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Robertson Publishing began in the mid 1970s. Our office was in downtown Los Gatos, California , just 50 miles south of San Francisco. At that time we were designing and manufacturing books for Sky Oaks Productions, a publisher of educational materials. In 1988 we came out with Ellipsis..., a literary magazine published as a series of books, and we've been in the publishing business ever since. Then in 2015 we moved our office to Fremont, California.

You've worked long and hard getting just the right words down on paper. Your manuscript is ready to be published and you're ready to share it with the world; Robertson Publishing makes it happen.

Once we have your Press-Ready PDFs, and they've passed our QC, you could be holding the PrePress copy of your book in as little as two to three weeks. After you approve the PrePress we release the title for full distribution here in the US, the UK, and Canada. About two weeks later you'd see your book on Amazon, Barnes&Noble.com, and many other sites. We handle fulfillment of all orders received through the distribution channel, track your sales, then we send you quarterly sales activity reports with your r

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