- Rubio Monocoat : Rubio Monocoat Accueil

Description: Rubio Monocoat : colore et protège les bois en une couche d'huile

rubio (66) rubio monocoat (38) lasure (13) peinture bois (6) huile parquet (5) huile monocouche (1) saturateur monocouche (1) saturateur bois (1) teinter bois (1) teinte bois (1)

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“The oil is durable and allows local repair. Moreover, the extensive colour palette is also a big plus and the honey scent of the oil makes the application a lot more pleasant. It is simply fantastic to work with a high-quality and non-toxic product!”

“Rubio Monocoat is the best choice here because it maintains the natural look of the wood, after application. Plus it results in a surface that can withstand the intense use that is typical for a restaurant.”

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