- Coach Rüdiger Schmitz - 69469 Weinheim - ReSync

Description: ReSync - Rüdiger Schmitz your Mental and Business Coach

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Perhaps you've already seen it with other people or even with yourself: an unexpected event is a shatter. Pressure builds up over a long period of time and unloads suddenly. In both cases, the balance between inner and outer shifts. Nothing feels coherent, the balance is disturbed. Did you know that such an imbalance can be harmonized again? This is what I call "ReSynchronize".

If harmony between body and spirit lacks, we live, think and act more slowly and chaotic. Our perception - above all seeing, hearing, reacting - and our mental clarity are restricted, joy of life and quality of life diminished. Therefore, ReSynching is so important. This term describes the process of reconciling oneself, thoughts, and the inner world. If this balance is given, your thoughts are logical and self-consistent and your feelings are in balance. This makes you more powerful in your job and your pr

Some people succeed in reconciling themselves. This requires a lot of time and energy. For others professional guidance and help is a better support. As an independent and neutral coach, I apply a question technique to identify the root cause for the imbalance. The subsequent work on the root cause will then take you back to your personal balance. Interested? Feel free to contact me - either by e-mail or phone.

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