In Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing your biophysical body has to move (in extreme forms, bi-locate) to the target. Be it a military centre or enemy person to be Remotely Viewed or Remote Influenced. Tim Rifat is Europe’s leading expert on Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing having had published 3 books on Remote Viewing: Remote Viewing the history and science of Psychic Warfare: Random House; 1999… by major publishing houses – not self published. His life has been in constant danger since he refused
As you Remotely View and Remote Influence your energy bodies light up like a firefly as Hyperinfinity is transferred to your biophysical body, that drifts off and leaves your physical body vulnerable to possession. Hyperinfinity is the force of free will that keeps your body from being possessed while sleeping as it resides normally in your skeleton. Hence Bone Generators® the exclusive trademarked property of Tim Rifat. When you go Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing your free will, Hyperinfinity, flows
This is because all Tim Rifat’s Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing protects your physical body from possession while your biophysical body is away. All these technologies are fully trademarked and the exclusive intellectual property of Tim Rifat. If you see any counterfeiters copying our trademarked property be sure it doesn’t work and please e-mail us so we can add them to our warnings and sue for damages if applicable. How is the physical body protected?