- SADARC – Shepparton And District Amateur Radio Club

Example domain paragraphs

Mt Wombat Repeater details 6M 53.725 MHz -1 MHz offset 2M 146.650 MHz – 600 kHz offset 123 Hz CTCSS 70cm 438.650 Mhz – 7 MHz offset 91.5 Hz CTCSS 70cm 439.775 Mhz – 5 MHz offset IRLP node #6990 123 Hz CTCSS 70cm DMR 438.900 Mhz -7 MHz linked to VKDMR network 70cm DSTAR 438.200 MHz -7 MHz offset 70cm DMR VK3RDS 438.7625 MHz- 7 MHz offset ( on test at VK3YNV ) WBT03 UHF CB Repeater Ch3-33 476.475 MHz Club Nets:   Every Wednesday at 8:00PM on Mt Wombat 2M Repeater, Followed by the 80M net at 8:30PM on 3.630 MH

Many thanks to Peter VK3ASK The August Newsletter is now on-line for download from here:-

Hamfest is coming up, time to dust off those surplus bits of rare and valuable vintage radio gear and bring it along to the hamfest.