- Sadar+Vuga - Arhitekturno projektiranje in Urbanistično načrtovanje

Description: Jurij Sadar in Boštjan Vuga sta biro SADAR+VUGA ustanovila leta 1996. Podjetje je v dveh desetletjih postalo inkubator kritične evropske arhitekturne prakse, ki se osredotoča na odprto, inovativno in integralno arhitekturno oblikovanje in urbanistično načrtovanje.

design (77795) architecture (13465) urban planning (310) national gallery (16) architectural office (10) chamber of commerce and industry (5) cultural center of eu space technologies (1) slovenska boulevard (1) air traffic control centre (1) sports park stozice (1)

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Happy 2023!

The Plečnik Year is coming to an end with the publication of a new book entitled THE HISTORY OF THE FUTURE: The Elements of Plečnik’s Architecture and a temporary exhibition of the same name. The exhibition at Plečnik’s newsagents in Prešeren Square will be open from  December 10, 2022 – February 6, 2023.

Presentation of the book and discussion with the authors of the texts, Prof. Dr. Aleš Vodopivec, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petr Šenek, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Miloš Kosec, Prof. Jurij Sadar, photographer Matevž Paternoster and students of the Sadar Seminar, will be moderated by the editor of the book, asst. Ana Kreč, and asst. Uroš Mikanovič.

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