- Saeed Haider – Saeed Haider Articles

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Saeed Haider

I am by profession a chartered accountant, having spent my life associated with multi-national companies in medium to senior level positions, in multiple faculties. I do not lay claim to any distinction, having led a remarkably average life, though a most satisfying, rewarding and happy one. This was due entirely to the unending love bestowed upon me by my family members.

Ever since I can remember, I have suffered from boundless curiosity, a million questions always bubbling in my mind. After my wedding, my wife predictably found herself at the receiving end until she came up with a rule one day: asking any question in this house is banned for ever. I would have left this world one day, still thirsty for answers, but then Google came along. If Google had charged one cent for every question asked, I would be on the streets begging for food.