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Description: Use our website to research and compare the drug and alcohol rehab options in your area and across the USA.

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Who Answers?

Every drug or alcohol addict insists they can manage their use, and stop using any time they choose. Eventually it becomes obvious to the addict and those around the addict that neither of these representations is true. Addicts cannot control their use and they cannot stop using. Addicts live is a perpetual state of denial. In fact, addicts spend their lives planning, arranging and paying for resupply. It is a viscous, exhausting, time consuming and self-defeating job.

Entering drug or alcohol treatment is contrary to the denial mode addicts are in. Many addicts quickly realize how much time they spend planning resupply. There are functioning addicts who somehow manage to use perpetually and still hold a job, sustain relationships and be somewhat productive but these people are rare and will eventually crash.

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