- * Welcome to Saffron Walden Camera Club

Description: Friendly group of photographers who want to share experience in the taking, processing and presentation of photographs.

photography (51215) club (12376) camera (3280) photographs (2343) meeting (1563) saffron walden (63)

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Saffron Walden Camera Club is a friendly group of photographers who are enthusiastic about their hobby and who want to share experience in the taking, processing and presentation of photographs. The club currently has around 25 members and caters for all age groups and abilities, from complete beginners to experienced photographers. Meetings are held fortnightly on a Friday evening between 8.00pm and 10.00 pm, from September to July. We have a varied programme of events, including talks/lectures on all aspe

In the current 2022-2023 season we are holding most meetings at the Community Link, Market Street, Saffron Walden.


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