- Saginaw Area GIS Authority

Example domain paragraphs

Occasionally there may be questions or concerns about the data you see displayed on SAGAGIS.  We want to help by getting you as quickly as possible in touch with the person who can help you fully address your concern.  Please take a moment to select from our drop down the issue that best describes your concern to see a list of individuals best placed to help you.  Thank you.

The data you see on SAGAGIS has been collected from numerous governmental agencies and displayed here in a consolidated fashion by the Saginaw Area GIS Authority.

Our Assessing Data comes from a combination of databases supplied by the local municipal assessors and the Saginaw County Equalization Department.  Specifically, the ownership data, parcel addresses and sales data we display comes from the Saginaw County Equalization Department, with the exception of the City of Saginaw and Saginaw Township which comes from those local assessors. All other assessing data including, but not limited to, tax description, SEV, building data etc. comes from the local assessor.  

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