- Saint Michael Archangel ::

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The Thursday evening before Easter is observed by millions in remembrance of the Last Supper of Jesus and His tragic betrayal and arrest. However, the great miracle He performed that fateful night is largely forgotten and unknown. The Scriptures which foretold that no one would take His life from Him but that He would offer Himself willingly and that He would keep His Apostles safe, were fulfilled that night.  Christ performed His final great miracle before His crucifixion fulfilling prophecy and sending a

The arrest of Christ is usually portrayed as being carried out by an angry mob of Jewish authorities and Temple guards.  That was clearly not the case. The fact of the matter is that the arrest of Christ was a massive Roman Legion military operation. Although a token number of Jewish authorities and Temple guards did accompany the Romans as observers and witnesses.

Four days earlier Jesus had been welcomed triumphantly into Jerusalem by crowds shouting “Hosanna” a word reserved in recognition of Divinity. Christ also rode in on a small donkey fulfilling the Old Testament Scripture that the Messiah would one day enter Jerusalem in such a manner. Christ’s prior three years of preaching and performing miracles and His recent raising of Lazarus from the dead had made His reputation very widely known. This situation understandably greatly alarmed the Temple High Priests. J

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