- Web Management for Hotel, Resort, Travel Industry, Sala Thai

Description: specialized in Internet Commerce,Web Solutions, Hotel Reservation Management,Booking Management in Thailand, Sala Thai Restaurant Guide, Salathai Resort,Thailand hotel,travel, government,

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Thank you for your kind consideration of our website SALATHAI.COM.

The Thai word "Sala" means a place to rest or better a typical Thai roof with a resting place underneath it. Since our firm is located in Thailand the addition of the word "Thai" was logical and essential.

Therefore our profound objective is to make you relax and put you at rest with all your requirements to the internet industry or your stay in Thailand. We are specialized in setting up professionally designed websites with content management software for any company who wishes to be a part of the world wide web. SALATHAI.COM with our highly motivated, multilingual team will provide you with professional and highly experienced expertise on all internet related products like web design, web programming, and g

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