Description: Salesforce Research DEI Agents
Large language model (LLM) agents have shown great potential in solving real-world software engineering (SWE) problems. The most advanced open-source SWE agent framework can resolve over 27% of real GitHub issues in SWE-Bench Lite. However, these sophisticated agent frameworks exhibit varying strengths, excelling in certain tasks while underperforming in others. To fully harness the diversity of these agents, we propose DEI (Diversity Empowered Intelligence), a framework that leverages their unique expertis
(Last Updated: 2024-08-12)
We present the resolve rates of top-ranking submissions on SWE-Bench Lite. We evaluate 3 DEI Committees formed by different groups of agents. Each DEI Committee outperforms the best agent in it. DEIBASE-Open, a committee formed by 4 open-source agents can beat many closed-source agents.