- Alegria Foundation

Description: A California Foundation for the Treatment of Cleft Lip and Palate

kids (7396) non profit (4334) foundation (3240) donate (2414) donations (1391) bike ride (94) alegria (84) 501 (84) help kids (9) alegria foundation (1)

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The goal of this bike ride is to raise $2 per each mile, for a total of $6000 , which would allow Alegria to provide life-changing surgeries to 24 children affected by cleft lip and palate deformities.

Alegria is a non-profit, 503(c) foundation that provides comprehensive, long-term medical treatment for children affected by cleft lip and palate deformities in Colombia. During last’s year’s, 4-day mission, Alegria foundation performed 65 life-changing surgeries , in 55 children affected by these deformities. In addition, 85 children received speech therapy evaluations and education, and 17 received dental care.

You can follow Mehrdad in his journey and Alegria´s mission on their respective Facebook pages: