- Sallyann Milam Paschall | contemporary Cherokee artist

Description: Sallyann Milam Paschall is a contemporary Cherokee artist living in Santa Fe, NM. She is a printmaker, painter, creates encasutics and mixed media pieces.

art (55598) painter (4866) contemporary art (4078) native american (571) cherokee (264) encaustics (23) cherokee artist (4) sallyann paschall (1) sally paschall (1) sawatch studios (1)

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If interested in purchasing work, please email smpaschall1(at)mac(dot)com or call 719-221-0639.

Sallyann Paschall, a member of the Cherokee Nation, was raised in Oklahoma and now resides in New Mexico. Her art encompasses painting, prints, and mixed media. As a painter, she is equally comfortable in naturalist realism as with non-objective abstraction, usually focusing on paintings in oil or encaustics. Through her printmaking she explores new processes and continues to utilize a variety of mixed media work. Sallyann has shown her work extensively, particularly at the Heard Indian Market and the Santa