- Salvatore Vitale

Description: Salvatore Vitale (b. 1986, Palermo, Italy) is a Swiss-based visual artist and editor. He studied Fine Arts at the Zurich University of Arts (ZHdK) and he was a recipient of the Swiss Arts Council grant in 2015-2016, the PHmuseum Award Grant in 2017, the Swiss Design Awards, FOAM Talent and Punctum Award in 2018. His work has been shown in museums and at photo festivals including the Swiss Foundation for Photography, Photoforum Pasquart Biel/Bienne, OCAT Shanghai and Shenzhen, MOCAK – Museum of Contemporary

photography (49928) switzerland (2892) visual art (845) foam (591) image making (11) salvatore vitale (1) how to secure a country (1) the moon was broken (1) lars muller publishers (1) foam talent (1)

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