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capitol hill (816) cleantech (136) big government (18) bribe (17) rare earth metals mining corruption (6) tesla stock scams (6) afghan mining (6) oil field drone attacks (6) bankrupt silicon valley (6) the cleantech crash (6)

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These criminals herein are White House executives, government agency bosses, U.S. Senators and the Big Tech oligarchs who finance and engage in covert quid pro quo with them. We met, worked with, lived with and witnessed their crimes and schemes. We saw them solicit and take bribes. We saw them use government offices to control digital media, lie to voters, run censorship and rig government process to only help themselves and to destroy their competitors. They defrauded us. They defrauded the nation and the

Our Single Most Deadly Weapon Is: THE TRUTH!

Help expose the employee abuse, hookers, sociopath CEO's, mobster venture capitalists, tax evasion, female sextortion, character assassination attacks by Black Cube and Fusion GPS, sex cults, bribery of White House and Congressional executives, election cheating, Quid Pro Quo via Silicon Valley insider trading and other illicit deeds of these dirty politicians and their Big Tech oligarch financiers!

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